ASSOCIATION OF VERIFICATORS IN THE SPHERE OF GREENHOUSE GASES together with Technical Committee on standardization  No.103 “Greenhouse gases management” at the site of The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Atameken” on June 21 held a one-day free seminar for nature users on the topic “Verification of greenhouse gases. Main issues and problems”.

Representatives of state bodies took part:

Asylbekov Sabir Nauryzbayuly, expert of the Department of Climate Policy and Green Technologies of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Yesekina Ayman Serikovna, JSC Zhasyl damu

Bakimbekov Aman Kuanyshevich, specialist of the Department for working with branches of The Information center of Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization and Certification RSE

More than 35 environmental users (greenhouse gas emitters)

Artyukhin Galina Viktorovna, Kazakhstan Association of Nature Users for Sustainable Development,

Greenhouse gas validation and verification bodies: ArtEсology LLP, Green Bridge LLP, KazEcoProfit LLP, Smart Sustainable Development consulting LLP, The Kazakhstan Agency of Applied Ecology LLP Branch Office, ECOSERVICE-S LLP Branch Office.

Main reports:

  • Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan – planned innovations in greenhouse gases;
  • Discussion of issues (normative documents on greenhouse gases, changes in greenhouse gas emissions quotas);
  • Preparation of documents on greenhouse gases at the enterprise. Typical mistakes for administration and quota subjects
  • Preparation of technical specifications, contracts for services on validation and verification of the GHG;
  • Rules of interaction between the Validator/Validator and the company’s environmental engineer on documentation of GHG in accordance with procedures of validation and verification of the standards ISO 14064 – Part 3, 14065;
  • Results of the 14th Plenary meeting of the International Working Group ISO/TC 207/SC 07/WG 04 ” Quantification, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal enhancements for projects” in Berlin – June 2019;
  • Were discussed Five draft standards in the field of greenhouse gas management, planned for approval in Kazakhstan according To The Standardization plan in 2019: ST RK ISO 14064-1 (INSTEAD OF ST RK ISO 14064-1-2010), ST RK ISO 14064-2 (INSTEAD OF ST RK ISO 14064-2-2010), ST RK ISO 14064-3 (INSTEAD OF ST RK ISO 14064-3-2010), ST RK ISO 14080 (FOR THE FIRST TIME), ST RK ISO 14067 (FOR THE FIRST TIME). The main comments on the draft standards concerned the quality of translation, the main terms and definitions and the link between the series of standards for greenhouse gases and other standards.